
Ep 6 of 2024: Super Energy Efficient Lighting


Quinta-feira, 20 Junho 2024


18:00 Africa/Johannesburg

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BHA School of Lighting

Philip Hammond Bio: Philip started his lighting career in 1972, was selected to study at London South Bank University, London, United Kingdom in 1975 and graduated Cum Laude with a B Illum Eng as an illumination engineer and lighting designer in 1977.

He completed over 1800 projects using old technology before the introduction of LED light sources in around 2007.

Daniel Hammond Bio: He is a qualified Illumination Engineer and an accomplished lighting designer at an international level.

Daniel is a qualified lighting educator with a passion for his students and their well-being whilst enroll with BHA School of Lighting.

Daniel has established many relationships international experts in the field of lighting many of whom have been guest presenters on our monthly webinars.